Because our software is designed with you in mind.

It's easy to use.

Vertical Transportation management is typically one of many responsibilities on your plate. You likely have a million other things to do so your time spent managing the Vertical Transportation should be quick & effective. You shouldn't need a mechanic background to understand your Vertical Transportation management software. That's why we're committed to making ElevatorStatus easy to use.

It's collaborative..

Sure it may be one person's responsibility to oversee the system, but there are a lot of other stakeholders when your business relies on elevators each day. The more everyone can stay informed and share the responsibility and accountability of managing the System, the longer your elevators will last.

It comes to you.

You're in your email all day — both at your desk and on your phone. ElevatorStatus goes to where its users are to proactively remind them of maintenance & other things. It doesn't expect you to log in all the time to keep up with the Unit.